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  Number 3/2021

Volume 12 (2021), Nr. 3 - View full issue

Un studiu privind consolidarea cladirilor prin utilizarea amortizoarelor vascoase
A study on the strengthening of buildings by utilizing viscous dampers
Himan Mohammad Eisa

One of the methods that have been considered in recent years for the reinforcement of structures is the use of energy-absorbing systems. A variety of energy-absorbing systems have been developed and introduced, including liquid, viscous dampers. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of viscous dampers in absorbing forces caused by earthquakes and seismic improvement of structures, as well as the feasibility of increasing the floors of an existing structure by using these dampers. For this purpose, three different models with fixed plans and three different numbers of floors as five, nine, and thirteen have selected, and the possibility of increasing one floor to them by using viscous dampers has investigated. The results indicated that by adding a floor to the existing buildings, the stress ratio in some columns and also the relative displacement exceeds the allowable limit; however, viscous dampers can significantly decrease the stresses and displacements and can be used to expand the number of floors of an existing building.

Keywords: viscous dampers, building development, seismic improvement, energy-absorbing systems

Estimarea pierderilor de sol folosind modelul RUSLE si instrumentele GIS: Studiu de caz al bazinului Mellah, nord-estul Algeriei
Estimation of soil losses using RUSLE model and GIS tools: Case study of the Mellah catchment, Northeast of Algeria
Bouzeria Housseyn, Ghenim Abderrahmane Nekkache, Kanchoul Kamel, BouguerraHamza, TachiSalah Eddine,

Land and water are two most vital natural resources of the world and hence these resources must be conserved carefully to protect environment and maintain ecological balance. Estimation of soil erosion is one of the prerequisites for conservation and management of water resources and watersheds. The present study was carried out to predict soil erosion in the Mellah catchment, northeastern Algeria. Due to the importance of the water resources of this watershed and the lack of sedimentation data in this valley, a comprehensive methodology integrates Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model, remote sensing and GIS techniques to determine the catchment soil erosion vulnerability. The elaborations of RUSLE factors in this study were based on multi-source data for the improvement of soil erosion estimation. The results indicated that the average soil loss is 10.21 t. ha-1.yr-1, with a total annual soil loss in the basin area of 5648.58 t. Around 90% of area was under very low erosion risk, and5% of area was considered as moderate erosion risk while 3% of area was considered as high to very high erosion risk. The climate change and rainfall fluctuations witnessed influenced the soil loss in this region. Thus, the high erosivity registered has consequent in the detachment of particles due to the soil texture types in this region. The conjunction of high erosivity, soil texture and high steep slopes in this region resulted in high potential soil erosion which could lead to the deterioration of water resources if not a mitigation measures and an immediate intervention are taken in the Mellah catchment.

Keywords: GIS, Catchment, USLE, Erosion, Estimation, Mellah, Algeria

Studiu comparativ privind coroziunea in timp a electrozilor in sol, Partea 3 – Masuratori electrice
Comparative study regarding corrosion in time of the ground electrodes, Part 3 – Electrical measurements
Stefan PAVEL, Ioan Bogdan PASCU, Nicoleta NEMES, Romeo NEGREA, Emilia DOBRIN BURIAC Oana

Obiectivul lucrarii este de a prezenta, aspecte referitoare la: coroziunea metalelor acoperite si neacoperite cu zinc in solul orasului Timisoara (electrozi de impamantare a Instalatiei de Legare la Pamant aferenta Instalatiilor Electrice din Constructii), analiza parametrilor de sol, prototipuri de electrozi, mssurstori electrice, microbiologice si analiza de prognoza-predictie matematica, materiale si dictionare de termeni aferenti. Un alt aspect prezentat in acest material este efectuarea de masuratori ale spectrului campului elecromagnetic oscilografiat al elementelor de metal acoperite si neacoperite cu zinc din sol.

Cuvinte cheie: coroziune, electrod de impamantare, sol, legare la pamant, microbiologia solului

The objective of this paper is to present aspects related to: corrosion of metals covered, and not covered with zinc in the soil of Timișoara (grounding electrodes of a grounding installation related to Electrical Installations of Constructions), analysis of soil parameters, prototype electrodes, electrical, microbiological analysis and mathematical prognosis analysis-prediction, materials, and dictionaries of related terms. Another aspect presented in this material are the measurements related to the spectrum of the oscillograph electromagnetic field of the grounding electrodes, which are covered, and not covered with zinc.

Keywords: corrosion, ground electrode, soil, grounding, soil microbiology

Rasuflarea apelor acvifere freatice: cauze, consecinte si remedii
Phreatic aquifer water upwelling: causes, consequences and remedies
Alia Basma ABBA, Asma ABBAS, Oum Elkheir BACHI, Sofiane SAGGAÏ

Ouargla has suffered a lot from water upwelling that has affected negatively human and environment. The present paper consists in presenting the quality of phreatic aquifer water, exposing the causes of water upwelling, consequences of the rise of water level over the surface ground and impacts of the mega project of fight against the water upwelling that has been realized between the end of 2006 and 2009. Obtained results from the comparison between stats of phreatic aquifer before and after works have shown that there were a positive impacts in the Ouargla city center: downwelling of phreatic aquifer water, reduction in salt concentration and elimination of nitrate nitrogen.

Keywords: phreatic aquifer, water upwelling, mega project, impacts, Ouargla.

Alegerea pompelor de caldura pentru alimentarea instalatiilor de incalzire centrala si de prepararea apei calde de consum aferente cladirilor
Choice of heat pumps for powering central heating installations and preparing hot water for buildings
Florin Iordache

Lucrarea are ca obiectiv stabilirea unei proceduri de dimensionare (alegere) a unei pompe de caldura pentru deservirea utilitatilor din cadrul cladirilor, respectiv incalzirea spatiilor si prepararea apei calde de consum. Se analizeaza tot din punct de vedere al alegerii pompei de caldura si 3 cazuri de pompe de caldura din punct de vedere al mediilor de absorbtie si furnizare a energiei termice. Pentru cele 12 cazuri rezultate din combinarea tipurilor de pompe de caldura cu tipul utilitati de consum se prezinta stabilirea necesarurilor termice nominale aferente consumatorilor si stabilirea coeficientilor de performanta ai pompelor de caldura.

Cuvinte cheie: pompe de caldura, instalatie de incalzire centrala

The purpose of the paper is to establish a procedure for sizing (choosing) a heat pump for servicing the utilities within the buildings, respectively the heating of the spaces and the preparation of the hot water for consumption. It is also analyzed from the point of view of choosing the heat pump and 3 cases of heat pumps from the point of view of the means of absorption and supply of the thermal energy. For the 12 cases resulting from the combination of the types of heat pumps and the type of consumption utilities, it is presented the establishment of the nominal thermal needs for the consumers and the establishment of the performance coefficients of the heat pumps.

Keywords: heat pumps, central heating installation

Aspecte referitoare la constructia de scari sigure pentru cutremur
Aspects regarding the construction of safe earthquake staircases
Ana - Maria Pirvanus, Vlad Stefan Niculae, Daniel Stoica

In prezenta lucrare, obiectivul principal a fost analizarea scarilor si a caselor scarilor din punct de vedere al influentei acestora asupra structurilor propriu-zise, pe care le deservesc. Sunt prezentate modul de calcul al scarilor, comportarea scarilor in timpul cutremurelor de pamant. S-au realizat studii de caz considerand 18 structuri diferite si analizandu-se influenta scarilor asupra acestora. De asemenea se prezinta o solutie de scari „rezistente la seism” prin realizarea unor nuclee speciale din beton armat pentru circulatia pe verticala. Sunt subliniate concluziile acestor investigații.

Cuvinte cheie: performanta, seismica, scari, interactiune, nuclee

In this paper, the main objective was to analyze the stairs and the stairs cases from the point of view of their influence on the structures themselves, which they serve. The calculation of the stairs, the behavior of its during earthquakes are presented. Case studies were conducted considering 18 different structures and analyzing the influence of the scales on them. Also there is presented a solution of "earthquake resistant" stairs by making special reinforced concrete cores for vertical circulation. The conclusions of these investigations are underlined.

Keywords: performance, seismic, stairs, interaction, cores

Cercetare privind utilizarea unui sistem fotovoltaic intr-o localitate urbana
Research on the use of a photovoltaic system in an urban locality
Luna Gina Mihaela

Sistemele fotovoltaice au atras atentia in Romania in ultimii ani datorita beneficiilor multiple, precum implementarea intr-un timp scurt, independenta totală a energiei, protectia mediului si utilizarea unei surse de energie inepuizabile. Soarele este acea sursa de energie inepuizabila si se estimeaza ca radiatia solara va exista inca 4-5 miliarde de ani. Pentru implementarea unui sistem fotovoltaic, trebuie sa se ia in considerare conditiile metrorologice din zona in care se va implementa sistemul insa pentru a fi eficiente, panourile fotovoltaice trebuie instalate corespunzator. Lucrarea prezinta studiul realizat pentru a analiza impactul conditiilor meteorologice, precum radiatia solara directa, temperatura medie, viteza vantului si durata de stralucire a soarelui, asupra cantitatii de energie electrica generata de catre sistemul fotovoltaic.

Cuvinte cheie: sistem fotovoltaic on grid, panou fotovoltaic, aplicatia “Fusion Solar”, conditii meteorologice, productia de energie electrica, consumul de energie electrica, perioada de amortizare.

Photovoltaic systems caught attention in Romania in recent years due to the multiple benefits, such as implementation in a short time, total energy independence, protection of the environment and use of an inexhaustible energy source. The sun is that inexhaustible source of energy, and it is estimated that solar radiation will exist for another 4-5 billion years. For the implementation of a photovoltaic system, the metrological conditions in the area where the system will be implemented must be taken into account, but in order to be efficient, the photovoltaic panels must be installed properly. The paper presents the study conducted to analyze the impact of weather conditions, such as direct solar radiation, average temperature, wind speed and duration of sunlight, on the amount of electricity generated by the photovoltaic system.

Keywords: on grid photovoltaic system, solar panel, “Fusion Solar” application, weather conditions, electricity production, electricity consumption, amortization period

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