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  Numarul 3/2014

Volumul 5 (2014), Nr. 3 - Vizualizare numar complet

Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on the performance of polymer modified bitumen
Bachir Glaoui, M'hamed Merbouh, Martin Van de Ven, Mahdjoub Bendjima

In seasonal frozen region, the performance of asphalt pavement is affected severely by the freeze-thaw cycles. The binder is the first factor that affected by these cycles. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of EVA polymer modified bitumen after freeze - thaw cycles. Before and after thermal cycling, the complex modulus and phase angle, creep and recovery, also m-value and creep stiffness, were experimentally determined by the rheometers DSR and BBR. Results obtained indicate that freezing - thawing cycles change the rheological behavior of polymer modified bitumen, which translated in reducing the performance of this binder.

GIS as a tool to Study Pavement distresses Distribution in Irbid city - Jordan
M.Sc. Bara' Al-Mistarehi

The main objective of this research work was to investigate the potential Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems are common techniques for spatial distribution studies. This study aims to use these techniques on pavement distresses distribution in the city of Irbid with the help of GPS it was very easy to located pavement distresses samples units and sections in Irbid city. GIS desktop was also helpful in establishing the database attributes tables of the information. Obviously, It is recommended to make several studies related to the topic in order to maximize the benefits of utilizing GIS and GPS in such fields of study particularly in the growing cities like Irbid - city. Therefore, GIS system has been used in this research work for the purpose of data analysis and archiving.

Aritmetica repartitoarelor de costuri
Insight into an electronic heat cost allocator
Rodica Frunzulica, Mircea Dinescu, Andrei Damian, Mirela-Sanda Toropoc

Este cunoscut principiul in baza caruia functioneaza repartitoarele electronice de costuri: evaluarea caldurii cedate de catre un corp radiant ca functie de diferenta de temperatura dintre suprafata sa si mediul ambiant, pentru un anume interval de timp, cunoscuta fiind puterea sa nominala in conditii de referinta. Prezentul articol propune explicitarea manierei in care aceste dispozitive afiseaza cifre care pot sa para de cele mai multe ori misterioase. De asemenea, articolul propune analiza modului in care principiul de lucru al acestor dispozitive se armonizeaza cu normativele curente ce reglementeaza repartizarea costurilor cu incalzirea.

It is generally assumed that the working principle of the electronic heat cost allocators is well known: evaluation of heat emitted by a radiator, as a function of the difference between the surfaces's temperature of the radiator and the indoor air temperature, for a certain period of time, taking into account the radiator's nominal power in nominal conditions. The purpose of this article is to bring into light the manner in which these devices are adding up units to an index that occurs usually mysterious to most of us. We also intend to analyze how the current regulations on the heat cost allocation, is in compliance with the working principle of these devices.

Determinarea experimentala a puterii termice pentru corpurile de incalzire tip port-prosop
Experimental determination of thermal power for heating bodies towel type
Razvan Calota, Anica Ilie

Lucrarea prezinta metodologia de determinare experimentala a puterii termice a corpurilor de incalzire tip port-prosop, in conformitate cu standardul European SR EN 442/2:2002. Corpul de incalzire a fost testat intr-un stand experimental, in conditii de regim cvasistationar de functionare, caracterizat de faptul ca temperatura agentului termic (tur/retur) si temperatura aerului din camera de testare nu variaza pe parcursul a cel putin 30 de minute cu mai mult de ± 0,1K, iar debitul de agent termic nu variaza cu mai mult de ± 1%. Agentul de lucru este apa calda preparata intr-un cazan la parametri de lucru conform standardului. Experimentarile au urmarit stabilirea ecuatiei caracteristice standard.

This paper presents experimental methodology for determining thermal power radiator towel type, in accordance with European standard EN 442/2 SR: 2002. The heater has been tested in an experimental stand, under quasi-stationary operating regime, characterized by the fact that the temperature of heating water (flow / return) and test chamber air temperature does not vary over at least 30 minutes more than ± 0,1K and heat flow does not vary by more than ± 1%. The agent is prepared in hot water boiler according to the standard working parameters. The experiments were aimed at establishing standard characteristic equation.

Platforma educationala in domeniul instalatiilor electrice
Training Platform of the electrical installations domain
Cristina Gabriela Saracin

Lucrarea de fata prezinta modul de realizare al platformei educationale de tip eLearning utilizata pentru studiul instalatiilor electrice. Dezvoltarea societatii informationale a permis extinderea rapida a noilor metode de predare bazate pe comunicatia la distanta. Resursele si activitatile necesare intelegerii instalatiilor electrice sunt prezentate in cele cinci ferestre interactive ale platformei. Pe prima pagina sunt prezentate diverse tipuri de instalatii electrice cu exemplele practice de utilizare, in timp ce pe paginile urmatoare sunt prezentate cursurile, proiectele si laboratorele aferente acestora. Ultima pagina descrie legaturile de colaborare cu institutiile de proiectare si cercetare din domeniu. Unitatea educationala este structurata pe tematici, fiecare avand obiective si obiecte educationale specifice. Paginile web asociate platformei educationale au fost realizate cu pachetul de programe Macromedia MX. Platforma implementata asigura o capacitate nelimitata de comunicare accesibila utilizatorilor "oriunde, oricand si in orice context".

This paper describes the creation process of a eLearning platform utilized in the study of electrical installations. The development of the information based society has allowed for the rapid expansion of distance learning tools. Both the resources and activities vital to the understanding of electrical installations are displayed in the five interactive windows of the application. The homepage contains a range of different electrical installations with their respective examples of practical implementations, while the following pages contain the lectures, projects and practical applications. The last page links to the design and research institutions in the field. The eLearning application is structured on different topics, each with its own objective and educational purpose. The webpages associated with this eLearning platform have been created using the Macromedia MX software package. The platform once implemented offers unlimited communication capabilities to users, being available "anywhere, anytime, in any context".

Road Transport and Air Pollution in an Urban Congestion
Florinela Ardelean

Depreciation of outdoor air quality in an urban centre is a certainty and is due mainly to road traffic.The objective of this work is to evaluate the influence of emissions from road transport over ambient recorded in an urban area with high density of population. For this, the level of pollution of the lower troposphere from Bucharest was monitored with the help of a network of eight points of measurement. The analyzed pollutants were ozone(O3), nitrous oxides (NOx/NO2) and other chemical species involved in photochemical smog. Among other things, resulted in the fact that concentrations of ozone and nitrogen oxides are inversely correlated.

Contractul de antrepriza pentru lucrari de constructii, din perspectiva reglementarilor Noului Cod Civil
Contract for construction from the perspective of the New Civil Code regulations
Oana Beuran

Contractul de antrepriza pentru lucrari de constructie reprezinta o varietate a contractului de antrepriza si este expres reglementat in Codul Civil, ce a intrat in vigoare la data de 01.10.2011. Acest contract isi gaseste sediul materiei in art. 1874, dar el trebuie coroborat cu dispozitiile art 1851 Cod Civil, pentru a putea enunta o definitie a acestuia, respectiv este contractul prin care o persoana, numita antreprenor se obliga, in schimbul unui pret, fata de o alta persoana, numita beneficiar sa execute o lucrare, care, in mod obligatoriu necesita obtinerea unei autorizatii de construire. Practic, de aici se observa specificul acestui tip de contract, respectiv executarea unei lucrari de construire, in orice forma a sa, pentru a carei indeplinire si valabilitate trebuie, in prealabil, obtinerea de la organele si institutiile competente (de regula Primariile) a unei autorizatii de construire, in conditiile legii.

Contract for construction works represent a variety of the Contract and is specifically regulated in the Civil Code, which came into force on 01.10.2011. This contract finds its headquarters in art materials. 1874, but he must conjunction with article 1851 of the Civil Code, in order to enunciate its definition or is the contract by which a person, called contractor undertakes in exchange for a price, to another person, called the beneficiary to perform work, which necessarily requires obtaining a construction permit. Basically, here are the specifics of this type of contract notice or the execution of construction works, in any form, for a fulfilling and life must previously obtain from authorities and competent institutions (usually municipalities) a building permits under the law.

Standardizarea educatiei si strategia pentru 2030
Standardization of education and strategy for 2030
Nicolae Postavaru

Standardizarea, printre altele, este metoda prin care se vrea sa cucerim o piata mai slaba pe motivul unei productii superioare sau scoaterea de pe piata a unui competitor pe motiv de calitate superioara a standardului.

Standardization, among others, is the method by which it wants to conquer a weaker market on account of higher production or removal from the market of a competitor on the basis of quality standard.

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